openrefine gem

Cleaning and Linking Data with OpenRefine

Before analysis comes the messy work of evaluating, cleaning, and transforming data. This hands on workshop will introduce a free power tool to get the job done: OpenRefine. We will install Refine, create a project, and get oriented to the many features for exploring and transforming tabular data.

Workshop Survey

After the workshop, please complete the assessment survey. This helps us make sure our workshops are always getting better.


Originally created: September 14, 2018. Updated: March 22, 2019, November 1, 2019, January 17, 2020. Developed for the the ULS Digital Scholarship Workshop Series at the University of Pittsburgh Libraries.

built using Jekyll and GitHub Pages

content: cc-by-sa Michael Bolam 2019. (get source code)

original content and site design: cc-by-sa evan will 2016. (get source code)

Creative Commons License